A Declaration of People concerned with a State of our Union. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Constitutional powers reserved for the People, the separate and equal station to which the Bill of Rights entitle them, and righteous Patriotic sacrifices compel them, a decent respect to the opinions of fellow Citizens requires that they shall declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
This is a call to action for separation from political divides threatening the bedrock of American values. We seek not to undermine a Republic or Democracy, as much as we Unite to build upon Constitutional pillars erected by our ancestors. This is, by all means necessary, a formal adoption to reform the identity of a nation divided. We Unite in tribute to sacrifices of Nation building. We Unite so we might once again raise a banner with honor and dignity so gravely deserved.
A current State of affairs extends itself beyond prescribed borders. America’s heartland has been toiled and reworked through industry and sacrifice of hands, hearts and intellect representing the vast diversity of our human race. Now, we must grasp a domestic responsibility to once again steer the course of good governance. It is therefore necessary to draw a dividing line, and sever ourselves from harmful political divides stunting the birthright of an Independent Union.
Through the contemporary spirit of Independent political thought, we shall Unite to address pressing concerns of a young Nation State. In the form of a Manifesto, this serves as a resurrection of Founding ideals, cultivation of new political strength to safeguard human dignity, preservation of social welfare in a modern-state, advancement of volitional civic engagement and pursuit of prosperity for the greater domestic good.
On this new, United front, we shall flood the cracks of the political abyss fracturing a Nation. Within this United front we shall repair, with industry and diligence, the shredded fabric of a National banner so it may rise again to a star spangled anthem of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for which we are entitled.
Civic Engagement
United we shall build a national framework encouraging civic participation by offering a gap-year for Citizens of America.
It shall afford a wide-range of public service opportunities that advances pressing issues of national interest, reinforces civic values, strengthens the bonds between Citizen and Nation-State, and provides an enriching occasion to cultivate self-worth within the fabric of our nation.
Such civic engagement shall extend itself across public-sectors in need. While civil service shall not be mandatory, our policy-agenda entitles meaningful socio-economic incentives that advance mutual interests of all stakeholders concerned.
United we shall rid ourselves of wanton violence and domestic fear.
Any individual, militia, citizen, person or entity that carries arms within the United States shall recognize our Amendment herein: A privilege to keep and bear arms.
A privilege that carries a grave responsibility for care and brotherhood. Each bullet shot shall be in the name of safeguarding peace, preservation of dignity and sourcing from the heart of good. In a political call for Disarmament, from right to privilege, we shall rid our land of violence, pry fatal arms from hands of evil and restore safety within our domestic borders.
United we shall ensure that all contributing to social welfare receive unconditional access to free healthcare.
With a United policy, we will penetrate viscous layers of private-vested interest, peeling away malicious influences harming the well-being of a system meant to preserve life.
Our policy agenda shall reinforce Universal precepts of access to quality, modern public healthcare, further recognizing health as a vital aspect for securing a life of dignity.
Congressional Term Limits
United we shall rid our nation of political stagnation and ensure the fluid movement of good governance by establishing Congressional term limits.
Such term limits shall be placed on both Chambers of Congress — the House of Representatives and Senate — severing political complacency and self-serving party interests, while meeting contemporary demands in the Providence of legislative progress.
As a result, a new political mobility shall emerge, further reinforcing the natural flow of meritocracy within the vascular system of our government.
High-Speed Railway
United we shall set course to engineer an interconnected high-speed railway system.
Representative of a Federal mission to transcend political division amongst People and States, this policy item necessitates an optimal functioning of mechanics composing governance.
Within this spirit of innovation, we shall confront oppressors of progress, drive a stake through private vested interests and charter new horizons for the future of transport and commerce through modern infrastructure.
United we shall reinforce our borders with permanent manifestations of hope and promise.
Welcome the weary innocent as we would the productive innovator, and uphold a national framework that provides refuge from worldly peril.
For as the sun rises along our eastern shores, it casts but one shadow across the great expanse of our nation, where race, creed, religion, age, nationality, gender and identity are but one of the same. In such a reflection of light we shall guide the political discourse on immigration — welcoming those who seek to strengthen our national fabric, and safeguarding against those who threaten to weaken our national bond.
United we shall remove ourselves from the international spotlight and redefine our role amongst the discourse of nations.
We shall demonstrate empathy for contemporary pleas and respect for ancient wisdom of international counterparts. Our foreign policy will be one of active listening, to be digested, internalized and transformed as tenants for maturing diplomacy. By realigning our sovereign interests within an interconnected community of nations, we shall evolve.
Foreign Policy
We the People, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Manifesto for the United States of America.